Our core practice areas consist of corporate finance, securities, mergers and acquisitions, strategic investments, takeovers and takeover defence, corporate and commercial, and natural resources.
Our breadth of experience in such practice areas allows us to participate in larger and more complex transactions on a national and international level. In addition, we are regularly called upon to act as special counsel to boards of directors in relation to complex corporate governance matters.
Offering of Senior Notes
Issuer's Counsel
Acquisition of the Suwannee sawmill in Cross City, Florida and the Caddo River sawmill in Glenwood Arkansas for cash and shares
Purchaser’s Counsel
Acquisition of Abitibi Royalties Inc. and Golden Valley Mines and Royalties Ltd.
Purchaser's Counsel
Update: Trends in Cybersecurity and Considerations for Boards of Directors
Primer: SEC Issues Climate-Related Disclosure Rules
Ontario Capital Markets Tribunal Considers Aimia Inc.’s Private Placement during an Unsolicited Takeover Bid
In order to build on our strengths, we strive to hire lawyers of the highest demonstrated ability and character.